Website Manager


November 3, 2015
In attendance: Robert Miller, Jules Berry, Alana Duncan, Matt Carling, Regina Jackowiak and Kris Graff Area Director

The meeting started at 7:13 pm at the Cedar City Library.

 Old business:
·         September meeting minutes were reviewed.
·         Missing goals – Mike found the goals in the storage area “bone yard”, which happens to be across from Bicentennial Park.
·         A $50 gift card was purchased for Troy as a Thank You for measuring out the pitches.  It was returned due to a bad address.
·         Prior to the board meeting, Rob, Jules, Alana, Laura and Regina met with Kris at the bank branch in Walmart to update the signatory cards.  Unfortunately, the branch decided we didn’t arrive early enough to process the paperwork.  Jules will figure out a new date/time and make the arrangements.

New business:
The snack bar turned a profit this year with the Berry’s purchasing product.  There are some sodas left but that’s all.

 Kris advised us that nominations for the Section Director position currently held by Eileen Tabert are on-going.  Kris has been nominated and the election would be held next spring.  If Kris is elected, we will be looking for a new Area Director.  A few people have let Kris know they are interested.  If anyone else is interested we need to let her know.  Rob might be interested in this position.

A discussion started regarding how/why our Area spans such a large area, from St. George, North to Cottonwood Heights and East to Vernal.  Cedar and St. George is closer to Las Vegas than it is to Salt Lake.  Might it be wiser to be part of Area 1S alleviating some of the distance issues.  Regina mentioned Larry Berquist, AD of Area 1S spoke to the Section Directors of 1 & 9 years ago trying to annex these two cities to Area 1S to no avail.  Kris feels we should leave it as is for now.

Elections and Board positions:
·         Rob invited a few people to the meeting to see what, if any board/staff positions they would be interested in.  They weren’t able to attend but Rob will still be discussing these options with Drew, EJ Overson and Megan Gower.
·         Rob asked the rest of us if we were still interested in retaining our current position and for now we all were.
·         Rob’s term expires October 1, 2016.  If anyone is interested in the RC position we are to advise Kris.  Area will run the election process if anyone other than Rob is interested.  Rob mentioned there was a slight possibility that his family would be moving to St. George.

We still need to complete the RC and Board Orientation.  Once we come up with a few viable dates we need to let Kris know.  She would be the lead instructor and Regina could assist.

Adult League
·         Rob has spoken with Iron County FC about joining forces with an Adult League.  Zach Steifel from AYSO let Rob know that we do have an adult league set up with its own Region number.  Regina asked if the adult league needed its own region.  With the many changes through the year, it is unclear whether it would run under 873 or the other number.
·         Kris told us Dan Kline is the NAASA Chair and that the Adult League can be run in different ways: Jamboree, Short-Sided or with teams on a full pitch to name a few.

·         The Expo will include sections 2, 9 & 12 this year in SLC.
·         Kris mentioned Regions typically pay for registration, shared travel, shared rooms and food.  There are cheaper hotels in the area if we can’t afford the hotel pre-reserved.
·         Rob said in the past, the board voted for the region allowing everyone to have their own room so families could travel with the attendee but travel and food everyone had to pay for their own.  But changes could be discussed.
·         Those interested in attending are: Rob and Kristen, Jules and Mike, Matt, Alana, Regina, and Laura Stevenson.
·         Regina and Alana would be fine sharing a room and if a third bed could be added Laura could make it three to a room…if she is traveling alone.  Jules also said Regina and Alana could travel with them.
·         Finances are very limited and will need to be reviewed as far as what can be reimbursed and who can attend.

It’s time to clean up the snack bar and put the goals away.  Rob would like to do this on Saturday, November 7th after 3 pm.  He does have a game or two in St. George so he will let us know.

We really need to get a field supervisor, who could coordinate set-up, take down and field lining.  Regina said she would reach out to the U5 families.

Kris asked how we were maintaining the safety of our goals during the season.  For insurance purposes and safety reasons, we need to start locking up the goals daily.  We can do this by moving one goal to the other, push them together cross bar to cross bar and locking the sides together.  Rob asked if we could keep the nets up and we were told if they are not a safety hazard.  Locks and chains will be a new investment we would need to budget for.  We will also need to consider who will have keys as there are games during the weeknights as well.  If we had Division Coordinators and/or field monitors they could be tasked to open/close daily on a rotating basis.

·         Snack Shack – Rob, Alana, Regina, Eric
·         Shed – Rob, Alana, Regina, Eric, Julie, Dave

Fall season numbers
·         Our official count for the season was 632 players which was over our 10% goal.
·         We had 70 teams; 47 registered Coaches; and 13 registered Referees and our first ever VIP team.  Rob will check with Kristen to ensure our volunteers were registered.

There is an Area meeting on November 21st in SLC that Rob cannot attend.  He has asked Regina to go in his place but she has to check.

We expected to have a balance of $3,500 at the end of the season, but due to past due Score invoices, Jules reported we only have about $2,500.

Regina mentioned she expected to have an end of the season Thank You dinner for the Referees as was budgeted and discussed for this year.  After hearing about the league balance and Expo expenses, she voiced concerns that this would still be possible.  Rob said we would have to review.

Rob also mentioned he would still like to get a group photo of the Referees as a Thank You for Jimmy John’s.

·         The registration and referee budgets were turned in to Rob as requested.
·         Rob mentioned we need new corner flags and paint.  He will check to see if we can get a dual painter for free or discounted.
·         We also need new signage for the goals.  Property of AYSO, CC1…leave off the girls/boys tags.
·         Rob asked Kris about the reversible uniforms St. George uses.  Are they worth the cost?  These work well for St. George with moving/adding players to different teams.  This also works well for the families as they are only charged for a uniform if they need one.  Players can keep them from year to year and/or hand them down to other family members as they grow out of them.
·         We never received the pumps we were contracted to get with Score.  We also might still have a positive balance with Score.
·         Regina brought a couple of ball samples.  She has noticed the balls from Score are not holding air for very long.  The samples are balls Las Vegas has been using and they are very happy with them.  She also brought a flyer on coach/board shirts from the same company.


o   Rob:
     ~Determine date to move the goals from the bone yard to the park and put all goals away; and when to clean out the snack bar
     ~Adult League – discuss options with National and Iron County FC
Register participants for the Expo
     ~Determine how we will secure our goals during the season and implement

     ~Survey monkey about reversible uniforms to registered families
     ~Before the 2016 season, order corner flags, goal signs, paint and find out about dual painter

o   Rob & Jules: Finalize Budget and determine 2016 Registration fees and present to board for approval
o   Jules:
     ~Set date and advise when we can update bank signature card

     ~Contact Score –

·         Need credit/cash back for missing ball pumps
·         Determine if we have a positive balance from the uniforms and if so request money back
o   Rob, Jules & Regina: Determine if there is any money for a Referee Thank You dinner
o   Kristen: Finish registering volunteers
o   Rob, Regina & Kris – Determine date for RC and Board Orientation
o   Regina: Make arrangements for a group Referee photo
o   Everyone:
     ~Help move and put goals away
     ~Clean snack bar

     ~Recruit board/staff members

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Jackowiak

Contact Us

Iron County AYSO Region 873

attn: Regional Commissioner, PO Box 311
Cedar City, Utah 84721

Email Us: [email protected]